
Angie Aloha, Breathe, Insight, Joy, Kindness, Life, Light, Love, Maui, Signs, Spirit, Words Leave a Comment

“Sometimes something resonates with you and you don’t immediately know why.  Later, when the realization hits, you are astounded by the ways in which the Universe speaks to you.” Dear Universe, As soon as we arrived in Maui, we knew it.  It wasn’t just the tropical scenery or the warm weather; it was the feeling we got when we met …

Willing, Wishing and Waiting

Angie Ask, Changes, Helping, Lessons, Letting Go, Life, Light, Love, Wishing, Worries 1 Comment

“Stop wishing for others to change into who you think they should be.  They aren’t focused on what you think.  They are too busy finding their way.” Dear Universe, Even though spring has officially started, here in the Northeast it certainly doesn’t feel that way. We’ve had freezing cold temperatures, windstorms worthy of winter coats, and snow—yes, inches upon inches …

Ride the Waves

Angie Changes, Faith, Growing, Lessons, Letting Go, Life, Positive, Trust, Waiting Leave a Comment

“Sometimes you go through things that seem huge at the time, like a mysterious glowing cloud devouring your entire community. While they’re happening, they feel like the only thing that matters and you can hardly imagine that there’s a world out there that might have anything else going on. And then the glow cloud moves on. And you move on. …

Unconditional Love, With Conditions

Angie Choices, Giving, Happiness, Life, Love, Relationships, Soul Leave a Comment

“This is your story. Write it the way you imagine it, with the people and things that delight you most. Write it before someone else takes the pen, draws your path for you, and scribbles away your life.” Dear Universe, Giving love to someone is the greatest gift we give in our lives.  Love can be comforting, healing, and transformative. …

While You’re Waiting, Read This

Angie Appreciation, Balance, Faith, Gratitude, Insight, Lessons, Life, Manifesting, Mindfulness, Patience, Positive, Thoughts, Time, Timing, Waiting Leave a Comment

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you are waiting.” ~Joyce Meyer Dear Universe, The other day I was cooking risotto for dinner. Risotto is a dish that takes time to make.  You have to let it simmer.  You have to slowly stir it and walk away and then slowly stir it some more. Mostly …

Celebrate Everything

Angie Blessed, Celebration, Cheer, Children, Family, Fun, Happiness, Insight, Inspiration, Joy, Life, Roll With It, Spirit, Thankful 4 Comments

“May you live all the days of your life.” ~Jonathan Swift Dear Universe, I love being around kids. There’s something about the way they enjoy the little things that reminds me to pay attention to everything.  There’s something about the way they live so fully and completely that can be contagious. They are walking bundles of emotion with smiles one …

Realistic Resolutions: Pleasure, Not Pressure

Angie Beginnings, Changes, Expectations, Hope, Insight, Inspiration, Intentions, Journey, Joy, Learning, Life, Light, New Year, Positive, Resolutions, Rituals, Try, Vision Board, Wishing Leave a Comment

“A New Year can be a time for a fresh start, but do it in a state of pleasure, not pressure.” Dear Universe, We all know that a New Year is an ideal time to start fresh, set different intentions and create better, happier, healthier habits. And we know that just as easily as they start, our old habits can …

Say Yes to What’s Next

Angie Adventure, Advice, Answers, Gratitude, Insight, Inspiration, Intuition, Kindness, Lessons, Letting Go, Life, Listen, Open Mind, Opportunity, Positive, Present, Roll With It, Thankful, Trust, Try, Yes Leave a Comment

“love is a place & through this place of love move (with brightness of peace) all places yes is a world & in this world of yes live (skillfully curled) all worlds” ~E.E Cummings Dear Universe, There are times in our lives when we let our fears get the best of us, despite how brave we can be.  We imagine …