Can’t believe I’m in Cairo. Yes, I put it on my vision board 2011. Yes, when I asked for a sign about a month and a half ago of whether or not I would go to Egypt, I got it loud and clear about thirty seconds later. (A man I’d never seen before walked by me at the gym and paused just long enough for me to spot his arm tattoo. The three pyramids with the word EGYPT underneath—just in case the three pyramids weren’t clear enough. Yes, I almost fell off the elliptical, but I still didn’t believe it).
Yet, here I am. I’m in Egypt! I feel like by the time it finally hits me, I’ll be in the airport leaving. Hopefully not.
There is so much I want to do while I’m here—mostly seeing family I haven’t seen in years—that at times I feel overwhelmed by it all. I’m worried I’m not doing enough, seeing enough or reaching out enough. I’m worrying so much I’m worried I’ll miss the whole thing.
I’m hoping I can relax, be in the moment and enjoy. And any inspiration or insight is much appreciated as usual. Something about Egypt makes me feel like I should be having inspiration hit me every two minutes. So I’m ready for whatever epiphanies come my way.
Thank you for the opportunity. I’m grateful to be here.
Much Gratitude,

Comments 3
I was thinking about you last night because we were at a club named Cafe Cairo. I couldn’t help but laugh that we were both in “Cairo” at the same time just in different parts of the world! Love you tons and hope you have a fabulous trip!
Thank you both! Miss you! Sending lots of love. Thanks for thinking of me and reading! xxo, A
I enjoyed how you’re expressing your experience in Cairo…. Having not been back to Egypt for many years, you made me very nostalgic and emotional as I’m revisiting Egypt & reliving my experiences through your eyes and vision.
Enjoy every minute..relax….have fun…
Bring back a lot of memories… A lot of visions… A lot of experiences…and keep the pictures coming.
With much gratitude for bringing Cairo to me… It’s always been on my bucket list!