It’s uplifting to see that the “Keep Calm” Phenomenon is still in full swing here in London and greeting me wherever I go. If anything, the Keep Calmisms have been taken to a whole new level. Anything goes.
From t-shirts to tea cups to tea kettles to key rings to ticking clocks, you can buy a Keep Calm something to suit any need, mood, fanciful whim, wardrobe want or room in your home.
Some favorites I’ve encountered these last few days?
“Keep Calm… You can still marry Harry.” That was a coaster. Because that’s a logical thing to have on your coaster. 🙂
“Keep Calm and Keep Shopping.” (On a shopping bag no less). Certainly an easy thing to do in London.
“Keep Calm and Carry Pop.” In moderation—of course!
“Keep Calm and Wear Lipstick.” As I always say, even when you feel your worst, look your best.
And even “The Lion King” is not immune to the fad. Their motto?
“Keep Calm and Hakuna Matata.” That actually gave me a smile. As the Hakuna Matata song tells us, “It means no worries… for the rest of your days. It’s our problem-free philosophy…” So this actually makes sense with the Keep Calm part.
(I still like the original, “Keep Calm and Carry On,” the best, though.)
And I’m not sure why this craze has caught on and is carrying on the way it is, but it’s kind of become a treasure hunt for me to spot all the different sayings and all the different products. I’m curious to see what I should Keep On, Keeping On about next.
Thanks for the laughs, the smiles and the reminder to just keep calm, however I choose to do it.
Sometimes the simplest of messages can carry a much more significant meaning.
With Gratitude,