“Sometimes you just have to step forward and move on. No questions, no doubts and no looking back. Just move on.”
Dear Universe,
Every year I hold onto summer for as long as I can. I wear the short sleeves longer than I should, I try to do a September beach day and open-toed-shoes? Well, they don’t get thrown to the back of the closet until the first snowfall of the year.
I pretty much ignore fall until suddenly, it seems like winter.
But not this year. Fall is determined to weave its way into my life.
It’s not that I don’t like fall. It’s a perfectly lovely time of year. It’s just that I’m never ready to say goodbye to the summer knowing it won’t be back for at least nine months. Ignoring fall makes me feel like summer can go on a little longer. But this year, fall is demanding my attention.
It started the other day when I was in Starbucks. The fall menu is back. I was excited to see some of my favorite drinks, but I resisted. Too soon, I thought.
Then I went to the market and saw pumpkins galore. Pumpkins? Already? I gave in and bought one, thinking I could decorate it with my niece when she came to visit.
Next, I stopped by a craft store. I saw all the Halloween decorations were on sale and that the Thanksgiving ones were the hot items to buy.
Did I miss Halloween? Was the pumpkin I just bought already out of style—so last season?
Wasn’t it just Labor Day?
Then this weekend apple picking was suggested and I went with it. The air was just right—not to cool and not too hot. The sun was shining bright and the apples were red, ripe and ready for picking.
It was a beautiful day and as I watched my niece smiling on the hayride and reaching her arms up high with all her might for apples, I couldn’t help but embrace the change of season.
Fall was working its charm on me.
But it was more than that. For some reason, standing in that orchard—completely in the moment—made me realize that sometimes you have to not hold on too tight to things you don’t want to lose. Sometimes you just have to embrace what’s in front of you and move on.
Otherwise you might just miss some new favorite memories—like hayrides, apples and the unforgettable joy of a favorite three-year-old.
With Gratitude,