Turns out, Bucket Lists aren’t just for the things you want to do before you well, kick the bucket.
After writing my last post, I did some more “research.” (Thank you Pinterest).
Basically I discovered you can make a Bucket List for just about anything you feel like. Going to Florida for vacation? Why not the Vacation Bucket List? Dreaming of all the places you’d like to visit? Make a Travel Bucket List—with pictures of where you’d like to go. Want to plan ahead for the next few months? Write out a seasonal Bucket List.
Not sure of ideas? Here are some of the ones I spotted:
Summer Bucket List: Go to a farmer’s market, an outdoor movie or concert, BBQ.
Spring Bucket List: Go for a bike ride, fly a kite, feed the ducks.
Fall Bucket List: Make caramel apples, visit a pumpkin patch, find your way in a corn maze.
Winter Bucket List: Make peppermint bark, give a “secret” gift to someone (I like that idea), go ice skating.
And of course you can even make a New Year’s Bucket List—almost like resolutions, but more fun.
2013 is only a couple of weeks away. I say let’s put the resolutions on hold for just a minute; there will be time for that soon enough. First, concentrate on making a Bucket List of all the little or big things you hope to do to bring some joy to this New Year.
Because if you don’t do it now, the next twelve months may fly by without any Bucket Worthy moments to check off.
So, what are you waiting for?
With Gratitude,