“Sometimes you go through things that seem huge at the time, like a mysterious glowing cloud devouring your entire community. While they’re happening, they feel like the only thing that matters and you can hardly imagine that there’s a world out there that might have anything else going on. And then the glow cloud moves on. And you move on. …
You’re Never Too Old
“Choose to be young at heart; choose to live life filled with laughter and playfulness. Then watch. Watch how your soul smiles.” Dear Universe, Over the weekend, my fiancé and I took a spontaneous trip to New York City. We wanted to see our family because it had been a while and we were missing our niece and nephews like …
Unconditional Love, With Conditions
“This is your story. Write it the way you imagine it, with the people and things that delight you most. Write it before someone else takes the pen, draws your path for you, and scribbles away your life.” Dear Universe, Giving love to someone is the greatest gift we give in our lives. Love can be comforting, healing, and transformative. …