Since I enjoy the summer and get togethers with loved ones, it’s no surprise that I look forward to July 4th. It’s the perfect day for carnivals, cookouts, pool parties, beach gatherings, boat excursions and firework displays. Yes, I’ve done all those things on the fourth, but not on the same day, of course!
Some of my favorite 4th of July memories came from days that just fell together at the last minute. Friends showing up with food and drinks, firing up the grill and watching the annual Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest.
This year rain is predicted and I have no plans…yet. Somehow I think it will all work out and turn into yet another fun, smile-filled, relaxing fourth. And I have a feeling the rain will stop just in time for some fireworks to go off.
Happy Independence Day! Hope everyone enjoys the holiday and takes some time to be grateful for the day.
Thank you,