A close friend of mine was talking with me yesterday about how even though she can see positive changes made in her life during this last year, sometimes she can still have moments of feeling like nothing is different at all, that no progress has been made.
I knew exactly what she meant. I have to remind myself as often as I can of all the things in my life that I’m grateful for, of all the encouraging changes that have transpired. (Hence my predilection for lists and letters!)
But the thing is I can see her transformation and her strides forward so clearly.
Why is it that we are better at seeing things for others than we are for ourselves?
This is the same person who is often cheering me on, encouraging me when I’m having an off day. She’s always the one to point out when I reach an accomplishment I’ve worked for or pushes me to the next goal that waits at the horizon.
Why are we so hard on ourselves and so much kinder when it comes to other people?
So I did the only thing I knew to do. I told her that of course she’d moved forward, that her progress was noticeable and inspiring. I told her not to be so hard on herself.
In other words, I told her the truth.
A little while after that I got in bed. I was exhausted from a long day of working hard, but turned the television on anyway. The instant I did a familiar face and voice greeted me.
Michael J. Fox, talking to Doc. A Back to the Future Marathon! All three movies on, back to back to back.
I had to laugh. Universe, you know by now how I feel about this (who doesn’t?!) I sent my friend a quick email, “Back to the Future is on! It’s a sign!” Of course we are moving past the past, forward to the future.
And since this is the same friend that sent me the Back to the Future DVD a while back she immediately understood.
“It is a sign!” She responded.
I think that’s a good start to the month of September. I’ll take it.
Thanks for the little wink after a long day.
With Gratitude,