“That is the voice of your consciousness. It’s the voice that’s speaking the truth you may not want to hear, and it never turns off. It’s the part that keeps us moving, that pushes us.” ~Carolyn Myss
Dear Universe,
A year ago today I was on my way to New Jersey for the most epic weekend at Tara Romano’s Your Life Unleashed event. (Little did any of us know that right after would be the beginning of our COVID lockdown.)
Anyway, I don’t use the word epic lightly. It was a soul shifting experience with so many amazing speakers, and opportunities to connect with so many incredible people, that today I’m lucky to call friends.
Every step of the way the event asked us to dig deep, connect with ourselves, fill our cups up, and allow whatever revelations or breakthroughs that were waiting for us in.
I was—and still am—grateful that Tara asked me to be one of the speakers. I spoke on one of the topics I’m most passionate about—connecting and listening to your intuition.
Ironically, the night before I was set to speak I lost my voice.
I mean gone. As in one second it was there and I was socializing over drinks and the next it had disappeared—like it had somewhere more pressing to be. I remember calling room service right before the cut off asking them in a loud whisper to please, please send me tea, honey and lemon. Luckily, they did.
In the morning, my voice was better, but not 100%. It kept going in and out and I had no clue how I was going to speak to a ballroom full of people for an hour. I kept making cup after cup of tea, said lots of prayers, and somehow when it was time for me to get on stage, my voice came through and I delivered my message. (It disappeared again afterwards for several days).
I’ve done talks before. But I had never been as vulnerable as I was that day. As I drove back home to Rhode Island, the thought came to me that perhaps—even subconsciously—the fear of being so open and sharing my very personal story in such a public way, is what made me lose my voice. I hadn’t felt scared or nervous, but in the past I had always been afraid to get too personal.
But that day was different. That day I was ready to show up in a way I hadn’t before.
I felt losing my voice was the Universe’s way of asking me how badly I wanted to get up there and share. Would I still fight to make the vision happen when given an easy out?
I also felt it was the Universe giving me a choice: shrink or be seen. Sit down or stand up.
I think the Universe is always giving us choices.
Listen to our internal guidance or push it away. Live the life we dream of and want or succumb to what’s expected of us and stay in our comfort zone.
Settle or grow. Dim your light or shine it bright. Live with passion and purpose or push it all away.
Choose love or choose fear.
Whatever choices you are faced with, there is an inevitable truth that never changes.
You are meant for love and abundance. You are meant for all you desire. You deserve it.
Nothing is as satisfying as getting into alignment, and following what’s calling your soul. Because there is a cost to betraying your inner most wishes; there is a cost to pushing things aside and betraying yourself.
And while you may worry what the people around you will think or how they will react to the choices you make, you’ll find the people who matter most, and love you most, will be happy to see you happy.
And best of all? When you follow your purpose, and pursue your happiness, you become the inspiration for others to do the same.
Make the choice today. Make it everyday.
Go where you are guided.
Listen to that voice that keeps reminding you of where you are meant to be. Choose to step towards it with faith and love, not fear.
Make soul-calling, heart-centered choices, plant seeds for your highest intention, nourish them, and watch them grow into a version of your life that’s waiting for you.
That’s right. Your dream life is waiting for you.
But you must choose. You have to show up in the spaces that are calling you.
That simple. That hard.
But what other choice is there?
With Gratitude,