Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Angie Chocolate, Fun, London, Music

Dear Universe, Thank you for making me feel like a kid again. Last night (New Year’s Day) I ended up in Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland.  I can’t remember the last time I went to a fair or carnival. I strolled around and loved seeing the crowd enjoying themselves, still celebrating from New Year’s Eve.  From the young to the old, …

525,600 Minutes

Angie Gratitude, Hope, London, Love, Peace

“525,600 minutes.  525,600 moments so dear.  525,600 minutes. How do you measure, measure a year? In daylight?  In sunsets?  In midnights?  In cups of coffee?  In inches?  In miles?  In laughter and strife? 525,600 journeys to plan…525,600 minutes…. How do you measure A year in the life? How about love?  Measure in love…. Remember the love.  You know that love …