To My Mother
“…And may you happy live,
And long us bless;
Receiving as you give
Great happiness.”
~Christina Rossetti
Dear Universe,
Recently I read this quote from Oprah. “Being a mother is the hardest job on earth. Women everywhere must declare it so.” It was from an article about the top twenty things Oprah knows for sure.
I thought it was interesting that even not being a mother, this would make her top twenty list. But then again I’m not a mother either (yet), and I absolutely agree.
I am lucky to have an incredible mother who is supportive, generous and loving. Somehow there is no limit to these qualities. I tell her that I hope someday I’m even half as good as a mom as she is. Watching her as a grandmother is even more exciting. And of course I always remember my own grandmother who brought so much joy to my life.
I am also lucky to be surrounded by lots of women I admire and love who also happen to be unbelievable super-moms.
There’s my mom’s best friend, my “aunt,” who is one of the most selfless people I know. There are my best friends’ mothers—who all treat me like another daughter. There are my best friends who all juggle a million things at once while taking care of their young children with grace and kindness. There is my sister-in-law, who is expecting twins any day now and still has so much patience for my three-year-old niece.
I feel fortunate that I get to watch all these moms in action before I become a mom myself. They are all amazing role models to learn from and whether they realize it or not, I take it all in. And I feel grateful that I get to be in the role of Auntie and Godmother until my time comes. I enjoy every second of that.
Thank you for all the amazing mothers in the world. Especially mine. May all the fabulous moms have an equally fabulous day!
Merci à toutes les mères,