“All my bags are packed I’m ready to go…
Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane
Don’t know when I’ll be back again
Oh baby, I hate to go…”
Dear Universe,
Passport not confiscated, but arms were twisted and I was convinced to stay a little longer! But you, Universe, have other plans for me. When the ticket situation didn’t work out, I took it as a sign that it was time to continue my journey.
It had been fourteen years since I last came to Cairo. Yes, fourteen. It didn’t feel like it had been that long, and at the same time it felt like two lifetimes ago.
When I arrived at the airport I made my way through customs. The official took my passport, looked down at my name, looked up at me and said, “Welcome home.”
I smiled, thanked him in Arabic and made my way through the glass doors where my family waited for me.
Home. I hadn’t thought of it that way before.
We piled in the car and the radio was blasting over the air conditioner. Instead of the sounds of Arabic music, I was greeted by an American classic. The Pointer Sisters’ “We are Family.” I smiled wider.
Throughout my time in Cairo I was given lots of little reminders that this is indeed a home away from home, that there is a lot of love here and that I will be welcome with open arms any time I come back. I’m so glad I realized that.
When I looked at the Mediterranean one last time before leaving for Cairo, I gave thanks and took a minute to remember the moment and the trip as a whole. And even though I got teary saying bye to a few members of the family, I felt reassured—I’d see them again…soon. I don’t want to wait another fourteen years. And as we were driving back from the coast to Cairo, I actually felt lighter.
Thank you for a safe, fun, relaxing trip. I’m so glad that I snatched the opportunity when it came and just jumped into this trip at full force.
I’ll miss this home away from home.
Onto the next stop… I’m ready.
Much Gratitude,