It’s hard for me to believe, but I started this blog a year ago.
I had the idea for some time before it actually came to be. And then last Thanksgiving I shared with my brother that at some point I wanted to try and start this—maybe even months from then. After all, I told him, I wasn’t ready to start a blog. I was busy. I was teaching. I was knee-deep in my thesis. It was just a thought—I probably could never do it anyway.
Within twenty-four hours he helped set up the site and showed me how to blog—it was all new to me.
It’s reassuring when people have faith in you and let you know they believe in you. Sometimes, that’s all you need.
So here I am a year later, 121 posts later. I’d like to think I’m wiser or more patient or happier or more spiritually in tune.
Sometimes, on really good days I do feel like all those things. Other times, in the low moments, I realize there’s always more work to do. That’s when I remind myself that each day is a gift and each day is a new chance to make the most of it, to try harder, to get it right.
One thing that has remained consistent in writing this blog? It is a lot easier to find inspiration in everyday little things than I thought it would be. I worried I would run out of ideas.
I haven’t. In fact, I have a list (of course I have a list) that goes on and on of all the amazing things I want to write about and share. And I will. (This was on it.)
(One of my many notebooks.)
And I’ll keep looking and searching for new ways to be inspired because I think that you, Universe, offer those on an endless supply.
Another thing I’ve learned? My brother was just the first of many to jump on board with my idea. So thank you to everyone for reading this, for getting something out of it and for giving me feedback, comments and new ideas to be inspired by. It is so motivating and so appreciated.
Much Gratitude,