As you know, I am a fan of jewelry that carries a deeper meaning. That’s why when my mom gave me this ring as a gift, I immediately loved it.
Delicate and simple, the golden ring is tied in a bow. Immediately I understood the significance. It’s meant to be the ribbon someone ties on her finger to remember something. So the name on the package, “Don’t Forget Ring” made perfect sense.
The package lists all sorts of ideas of things one should never forget. Here is a sampling:
“Don’t forget… you are loved, to enjoy life, to always smile, to wish big, to shoot for the moon, to dance like there’s nobody watching, to exercise, to walk in the rain, to believe, to make a positive difference, to trust yourself, to love like you’ve never loved before…”
All of these are things that would help anyone on a daily basis if we only remembered. That’s why the ring is such a simple, but smart idea.
Oh, and another suggestion on the package?
“Don’t forget to call your mother.” 🙂
Got it. Thanks for the gentle reminders to make the most of each day and to always remember what’s most important.
Much Gratitude,