Let me start off by thanking you for this incredible stretch of gorgeous days! Nothing is more motivating to me than waking up to a sunshine filled sky. It inspires me to get up, get dressed and go out and do something. Anything.
So today’s morning adventure? A walk to Regent’s Park. It turns out this gem is right near me and I never knew. (I also tend to come in colder months so that may have something to do with it.)
I grabbed my camera, a coffee and headed over. What a beautiful place! So many people were out enjoying the day. Some were running, others were walking, and some were just lounging. Mothers pushed strollers along the water. Mama ducks guided ducklings to the grass. A couple rowed a boat. A couple of ducks napped in the shade.
I walked for a while discovering all sorts of nooks and crannies, bridges and boats. I know there’s a lot more to see there—including the London Zoo—so I’ll definitely be heading back again soon.
I ended my walk by sitting on a bench, looking out into the water and being grateful for the moment. It was just what I needed to clear my head.
Thank you for the sunny, peaceful start to my day. I feel very lucky and hope for more mornings like this.
With Gratitude,