“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” ~Muhammed Ali
Dear Universe,
I received my first diary when I was about eight or nine-years-old. It was pink and had a miniscule heart lock attached. I kept the key hidden and sitting to write was a secretive process. I’d sneak away to my bedroom, shut the door, pick a colored pen, unlock the diary and tuck away under my bed to write whatever came to mind.
Back then, there probably wasn’t much to write. Life was pretty simple, but still I found the whole process wildly fun.
But nowadays, keeping a journal can seem like a big commitment.
First, you need to set aside the time to do it—which can be difficult depending on the responsibilities in your life. Next, you actually have to do it.
Besides, life is a little more complicated… That means instead of one hot pink journal, I need several.
There’s my dream journal, my spiritual/inspirational journal, my writing journal…
And last month I added a new one to the mix! At first I thought I shouldn’t, that I couldn’t possibly, but the idea was too tempting to resist.
It’s my very own The Happiness Project One Sentence Journal: A Five-Year Record.
Created by Gretchen Rubin and based on her book which details her own journaling, I love the idea. Each day for five years, write one sentence down which details your day. If you can, keep it positive. At the end of the book you’ll have a record of a day in your life for five years—all on one page.
“If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.” ~Maria Edgeworth
So far, I’ve been keeping up the practice and I intend to.
I think one day the future version of myself will appreciate this mini-history of a slice of my life. It will remind me of lessons I’ve learned, things I’ve done, places I’ve been, people I’ve encountered, how fast time flies and (hopefully) how much I’ve grown, how far I’ve come.
Most of all, it may just remind me that no matter what the day brings or how the years shape out, I can always turn the page and keep on going…
And that is a lesson that I never want to forget.
Much Gratitude,