What a soul-inspiring, spirit-charged weekend I’ve had!
It started on Friday afternoon with a last minute movie matinee. I finally saw About Time, which I had been wanting to see for weeks. I won’t ruin the movie, but I will say the message to enjoy each day as if it were our last, resonated long after I left the theater. Also, it was a movie about time traveling! I couldn’t resist. 🙂
Saturday was a day planned about a month ago. My best friend bought us tickets to attend Mastin Kipp’s (from The Daily Love) Enter the Heart Tour in Boston, MA. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the five hour (turned into six hour) event.
Here are the highlights: Kandalini yoga-ing, breathing, chanting, sweating, soul searching, heart talking, heart opening, heartwarming, listening, writing, tearing, clapping.
Sunday started early. It was a short road trip with my mother and amazing friend to the Natural Living Expo in Marlborough, MA. We had tickets to hear Gabrielle Bernstein—the Spirit Junkie—speak on how to bring miracles into our lives.
Here are the highlights: Spirit-lifting, inspiring, meditating, chanting, laughing, crying, note taking, aha-momenting, miracle-making, applauding, thanking.
After we were able to walk around and see the different vendors and spiritualists who sold a range of things from healing jewelry, to photographs of your aura, to tarot readings, to healthy cooking demonstrations.
But my favorite of the day?
A wonderful woman giving out free “healing hugs.” I watched as she embraced stranger after stranger with a love and warmth that brought tears to my eyes. She held them for as long as they needed, eyes closed, fully in the moment, a smile on her face the entire time.
We can all use more hugs like that.
Something that came up during the question and answer portion of Gabrielle’s talk was the idea that as our souls shift and we travel on our spiritual path, not everyone who has been in our lives will want to follow or even understand it.
And that’s okay.
Somehow you, Universe, send the right people at the right time to walk side by side with us.
Thank you for mine. I feel so blessed and lucky that I had the opportunity for such an inspiring weekend with people I love. It’s so nice to feel loved, supported and guided as we find our way together.
I look forward to where the path takes me next.
With Gratitude,

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