“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” ~Vincent van Gogh
“Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.” ~Pablo Picasso
Dear Universe,
I’m no Picasso.
So when one of my best gals suggested a girls’ night of painting for my birthday (the motto “Paint Nite, Drink Creatively”), I was a little hesitant. I wasn’t sure what the night entailed, or how we were supposed to produce great works of art—or just ones that we wouldn’t be embarrassed walking to the car with!
But, since the three of us have been up for adventures for years now (I won’t say how many!) I knew I would say yes and see where the night took us.
Here’s how it went down.
Meeting up. Driving. Arriving. Sitting. Chatting. Drink ordering. Dinner eating. Seat reserving. Event beginning! Instruction gathering. Intently listening. Music playing. Slightly stressing! Paint mixing. Canvas covering. Music lowered. Directions flowing. Rushing! Sweating! Creating! Music blasting. Super stressing! Swearing! No drinking! Too much concentrating! Hysterically laughing! Music lowered. Panic ensuing! Directions complicating. Music blasting! Last-minute painting. Sigh of relief-ing. Laughing. Complimenting. High-fiving. Leaving.
By the end of the night all three of us walked away with pretty decent paintings! Maybe they won’t be the center of a mantelpiece, but I think our works of art will find happy homes in a doorway, walk way or at the very least, a walk-in closet!
But that’s not what’s important.
What mattered was the time with my two dearest friends, and the time with myself.
Painting was just another reminder of how much I enjoy time to be creative—and time off from the normal day-to-day routine. Whether it’s writing, taking photos, traveling, reading, soul-searching, meditating, journaling, angel writing, angel reading, tarot-ing… or painting, I love having the time to let my mind be free of the normal worries, questions and to-do’s for a while.
I’m so glad I’ve realized this about myself now instead of decades from now (or never!) I’m so grateful I’ve become better at incorporating time for my soul-filling things, even when I get especially busy—especially when I get especially busy.
Thank you for the wonderful birthday weekend. And thank you for the time to be free and let my mind wander, paint and create.
Here’s hoping for more opportunities like that in the future.
I’m no Picasso… but I’m okay with that.
With Gratitude,