“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” ~Terry Pratchett
Dear Universe,
It’s been a couple of busy weeks.
It was a whirlwind of final classes, final grading and final goodbyes. But, I am finally finished with the semester.
And here I am on Martha’s Vineyard. I have been given this amazing opportunity to stay here for two weeks. The plan? Well, I hope to kick start my summer into a routine of writing (and also relaxing, enjoying, yoga-ing, exercising and cooking).
It’s an ambitious plan as this semester threw me out of my routine, but I feel optimistic. 🙂
Yesterday, after working for several hours, I decided to take off and explore. First, I walked around for an hour or so, getting to know the area I’m in. I popped in and out of shops, sat by the water and snapped photos—of course!
Next, I hopped in my car and decided to drive in a direction, any direction, and see where I landed.
Within a few minutes I saw a beach to my right. I pulled over, took my shoes off and felt my feet in the sand for the first time in months.
The beach was empty—after all, it’s still too chilly for lounging and swimming—but I didn’t mind. I sat on a wooden bench and breathed in the fresh, salty air and simply relaxed. It had been a while since I had time to just sit and breathe.
At one point, I had a moment of complete awe. This island is gorgeous. Between the quaint shops selling homemade fudge and ice cream, to the scenic surroundings of navy/sky-blue/turquoise water, majestic homes and boats of all sizes, there’s no denying that this is a place worth seeing.
The revelation got me upset.
Martha’s Vineyard is not far from where I live (about two hours) and yet I have only been here once in my life—for a day trip. Why is it that I think nothing of hopping on a plane to travel to other parts of the world (as I will later this summer), but I don’t fully enjoy what’s in my own backyard?
I thought back to a shop I had visited earlier in the day. The young man working greeted me as soon as I came in the door. His British accent made me smile. I explained that I loved England and go every year and will be there in a couple of months. He explained his love of the island and how he goes home to visit when he can.
As I sat on the bench, I thought of the irony of this. Both of us criss-crossing across continents, to see somewhere else, all along missing the beauty of what we have so close by.
The truth is it’s not only Martha’s Vineyard I am missing out on. I am missing out on places much closer to home that are waiting for me to discover.
When I am away, I have this wonderful sense of adventure. I pick up and go. I seek out new experiences, people, cuisines and cultures, and soak in every minute of where I am. I am inspired by my discoveries, whether it is a museum, a restaurant or a quiet place to sit.
Yet, when I am home—which is most of the time—I barely deviate from my routine.
I go here, I go there, but I certainly don’t go everywhere.
How many of us can say the same thing?
“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
I hope that while I am here I explore and stay open for what each day brings.
I hope that when I return home, the same soul-filling spirit stays with me.
Thank you for the reminder that sometimes what can refresh, inspire and rejuvenate us most, is often much closer than we realize.
With Gratitude,