“A buoy is a floating device that can have many purposes. It can be anchored (stationary) or allowed to drift with the sea wave.”
Dear Universe,
During my time on the island, I have been making a point to see the water at least once a day. I’m just so close to it, and love the water so much, that it seems like a waste if I don’t walk to the docks near me or drive to the beach. Once I’m surrounded by the sea, I simply sit and stare, breathing in the fresh, salty air.
It’s wonderful.
Walking around the docks and sitting on benches has helped clear my mind. I’ve noticed something too. It seems wherever I look, I see buoys.
Blue, red and yellow buoys, solitary buoys, groups of buoys. Buoys in the water, on land, on docks, hanging from docks or just old, discarded ones on a worn path leading to the water.
It makes sense, but for some reason they have stood out to me. It has gotten me thinking.
Sometimes in life, it’s okay to just float. I know I often push myself to the point of insanity in trying to make the most of each day, trying to be productive in some way. I zoom around like a speedboat, trying to get everything done.
And it’s a good thing. Truly. I grateful that I am the type of person who works hard, plans ahead and makes daily lists of things to accomplish.
I’m also glad that I am the person who has gotten better about taking breaks and working on balance in my life. Most of our days are filled with obligations, duties, tasks and to-dos. We easily get caught up with what needs to get done and trying to tend to everyone around us. And worse—when we have some free time or plan a day for ourselves, we often feel guilty about it.
We have gotten so used to all our minutes being filled up, that having a few spare ones seems like we are doing something wrong.
That isn’t right.
There are days to be the boat and days to be the buoy.
I say that the days when we can be like a buoy, bobbing along, enjoying the space we are in, we should try and embrace it.
Floating in a sea of peace and nothingness serves just as an important role as jetting along from one thing to another does.
So be a buoy. Even if it’s just for a minute or an hour, take the time to stop moving, start floating and breathe. Appreciate the moments of quiet. Indulge in the solitary time of replenishing yourself.
Most of all, don’t feel guilty about it. Just make a point not too float on for too long. Know when it’s time to get your engine revved up again… and recognize when to take the next rest.
Thank you for the realization that sometimes in life, it’s okay to be a buoy.
Much Gratitude,