“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.” ~T.S. Eliot
Dear Universe,
The end of the year is fast approaching and that can only mean two things: you are feeling panicked or you are feeling excited.
The start of a New Year can create a cascade of emotions. It means a fresh start of anything we want it to be. And that in turn can feel more like—don’t mess this up—rather than the exciting opportunity it should be.
But, I have found, if we approach things with a little hope of what’s to come and a lot of gratitude for what’s behind us, we can make the transition to another 365 days a smoother one.
I have lots of traditions I like to practice on New Year’s Day to keep me in that place of gratitude. Having so many things to do keeps my mind focused on the fun and positive energy I want to create and less on the pressure of making the most of the coming year.
So before 2018 arrives, my suggestion to you is to make a plan for what you want January 1st to look like. Make it enjoyable, upbeat and light! Before you know it, the day will be over and you’ll slide right into January 2nd feeling good about what’s to come.
Here are some of my favorite go-to traditions for New Year’s Day!
- Sage your space: I regularly clear out the energy in my home and my office, but I never miss a New Year’s Day without doing it! It’s the perfect way to feel like you are leaving old energy behind and making way for new energy to enter. When I have time, I often hit the road with my sage stick and do the same for my mom’s home or anyone else who may ask! And don’t forget to smudge yourself!
- Be inspired: Each New Year’s Day I write a letter to myself. I fill it with all the things I am grateful for and all the things I hope to manifest and accomplish in the year to come. (Hint: Keep the letter positive and bright, not overwhelming or unrealistic.) When I am done, I seal it in an envelope and tuck it away in a safe place. On the next New Year’s Day I open the letter and write the new one. Having the letter to open feels like a little present to myself and I look forward to it every year! It’s such an amazing feeling to be reminded of where your former self was and what’s come since. (Hint: if you can get your spouse, partner or best friend in on the tradition, it’s even more fun!)
- Make time for your favorite things. Maybe that means reading a book you haven’t had time for or watching your favorite New Year’s flick (When Harry Met Sally, anyone?) Maybe it means baking or cooking your favorite foods. And maybe it just means taking time for a few deep breaths and getting your asana on. My point is, why wouldn’t you start the year doing some of your favorite things? Doing so sets the tone that you will commit to making time all year long for what fills you with joy.
- Relax: I get it. You have goals to accomplish and resolutions to get cracking on. Before you dive head first in though, stop. Not everything needs to start immediately. Relaxation and rest can actually be more beneficial for setting you up for success. My recommendation? Light a candle, play some mellow music and soak in a hot detoxifying salt bath. It will clear your mind, body and spirit. (Try this combo: Himalayan or sea salt, Epsom salt, apple cider vinegar, and you favorite essential oils.)
- Create your own. It’s great to be inspired and get ideas of what to do to ring in New Year’s Day, but ultimately, you need to decide what feels right for you. Maybe you already have a ritual that makes you feel good, but you are looking to do more. What’s a new tradition you would like to start this year? Is it making your vision board? Starting a gratitude jar? Having a PJ’s and mimosa breakfast with your nearest and dearest? Create new and lasting memories filled with meaning and love and you’ll find yourself looking forward to each New Year to come!
(If you are looking for more ideas of traditions and superstitions from all over the world, read my post from several years ago here. I always read it in preparation for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day!)
And, if you have some favorite New Year’s traditions, I would love to hear what they are! Feel free to share below!
Whatever you end up doing, I wish you all a year filled with health, happiness, peace and love. May 2018 be your best year yet!
With Gratitude,