“So much of life is in the smallness of moments…but they are harder to mark. ~Ally Condie
Dear Universe,
As we are all aware, I am a list maker. I’d like to think if accolades were given for list making, I’d be awarded a trophy or a ribbon or maybe just a small round of applause.
I make lists on existing lists. In my planner. On my phone. On a sticky note in a calendar filled with appointments, more lists and things to-do.
It’s ridiculous really, but somehow this system works. I get things done and even more exciting? I get to tick them off as I do. (Confession: Sometimes I write things down after I’ve done them, just so I can get the satisfaction of crossing them off. Please don’t judge me!)
But the other day I came across an amazing idea.
Instead of making a To-Do list, make a Ta-Da list.
Not a Bucket List filled with all the things you dream of doing, or Leap List of all things you want to do before the next big jump, but a Ta-Da List.
A Ta-Da list will be a record highlighting all the things you’ve accomplished recently. It’s your moment to reflect and shine a spotlight on what you’ve done, rather than how much else you still have to—or want to—do.
Brilliant, right?
We are so gracious at congratulating and celebrating others, but often when it comes to ourselves we don’t feel worthy of the time to stop and give ourselves credit. We don’t want to make a fuss over the new job or graduating or finally reaching a goal that took years of work.
Amazing moments come and then amazing moments go. Instead of acknowledging them, we jump into what’s ahead. We dive whole heartedly into the next adventure, goal, situation or problem to be solved.
We are always moving, barely pausing in between stops—or items on our to-dos.
“Accomplish but do not boast, accomplish without show, accomplish without arrogance, accomplish without grabbing, accomplish without forcing.” ~Lao Tzu
Now I’m not suggesting we go around bragging or shouting to the world when we’ve reached a personal goal. (No one really wants to see or hear that.) But I am suggesting we stop to pat ourselves on the back every now and then. Yes, it’s good to take inventory of what still needs to be done, but don’t forget to file away the successes you’ve had so far.
So take a pause. Pull out your To-Do list and add making a Ta-Da list to it. Or better yet? Just jump right in. Take out a piece of paper and make a list that commemorates you and all the wonderful things you’ve done.
Don’t rush. Take the time—guilt and awkward free—to enjoy how far you’ve come, how well you’re doing, how amazing you are.
The list is yours, but I suggest counting small things too. Sometimes it’s the small things that lead to the bigger victories.
I promise that ticking off your Ta-Da from your To-Do will be more satisfying than you can imagine. So make your Ta-Da pretty or make it simple, make it long or make it short, but just promise yourself that you’ll be sure to make it.
You are worthy of that.
With Gratitude,