Dear Universe,
Last night I had the opportunity to attend Ghost, The Musical.
It was A-MAZ-ING! It may be my favorite show yet. The music was moving and the cast was phenomenal. I especially thought Richard Fleeshman, who plays Sam, was Out. Of. This. World. 😉 He blew me away in every scene. And, Sharon D Clarke, who plays psychic Oda Mae, was a pure delight to watch. With her witty delivery and spunk, she brought levity and humor to the stage when the audience needed it most.
By the end of the show, there were tears and sniffles all around as Molly and Sam said their final good-bye. It really did make me want to, “Believe in Love.”
And I couldn’t resist. Of course I ended up getting the shirt with the one word that says it all: “Ditto.”
Thank you for letting me experience the show,