Well, here I am enjoying sunny Los Angeles on the first leg of my trip. Some hear L.A and they think Beverly Hills, 90210. Others picture the Hollywood sign or the walk of fame. After all, L.A is home to movie stars, almost movie stars and wannabe movie stars (to some degree or another). But for me, it’s just home to one of my closest girlfriends.
Here’s a Top 5 list of things I’m loving about L.A so far.
5. Making a wish. Because you are never too old to wish upon a star or throw a coin into a fountain.
4. Wine tasting, California style. Enough said.
3. A Zach Galifianakis lookalike running hip-hop bingo. Yes. Hip-hop bingo. Zach Galifianakis lookalike. I’ll let that one sink in. Just don’t tell him he looks like Z.G. I did and he didn’t seem pleased. And because you had to see it to believe it, please enjoy the photo.
2. Catching up with my friend who I haven’t seen in a year. It’s good to be with her. We have been staying up very late and waking up exhausted, but we are loving every minute of it. Most of that time is spent laughing… a lot. I know we both needed that.
And the number one thing I am loving most about L.A? This deserves a drum roll—it’s that good!
1. Arriving to Los Angeles and getting to my friend’s apartment. The first thing I see upon walking in? Three DeLorean cars on display!! I’m talking about an apartment that was just moved into and not completely unpacked. These three cars were there like silver signposts shouting at me! I think it was one of the single weirdest moments of my life. It even felt like the last year or so was culminating in that moment. Now that was unexpected!
I knew immediately it was a sign, Universe! I think it means I’m heading in the right direction? I’ll take it.
Thank you for the kindness and hospitality of my friend. And thank you for a fun trip. I’m keeping up the spontaneous spurt and going with the flow. It seems to be working. There are many moments turning into new favorite memories.
Much Gratitude,

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