“No, no! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time.”~Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Dear Universe
A few people have asked me if I learned anything during my last round of travels.
I’d like to think I am always learning something more.
There have been several moments throughout these last weeks when I learned something new, remembered something or just had a realization about myself. And I’m grateful for those serious insights and I know they will stay with me.
But there were also plenty of other moments that are probably insignificant in the grand scheme of my life, but I would like to acknowledge some of them anyway.
1. I like Turkish coffee. Go figure. For years I made fun of my parents and grandparents for drinking this hot, tarry sludge of a drink, but I found that with some sugar and not enough sleep, anything is possible.
2. More beverage realizations? Coconut Mojitos are todiefor and I savor every sip and every bite of coconut flake. Diet Coke comes in glass bottles and they are served to you in restaurants. And London food courts offer alcoholic drinks on their menus.
3. Whenever I see someone running—I mean full on going for it—in my head I hear, “Run, Forrest, Run.” And I am simultaneously annoyed and entertained by this.
4. I like British accents. But I love British accents in small children especially when they are yelling excitedly about something. In fact, if I ever have kids I’d like them to have British accents and start every sentence with, “MUM!”
5. Expensive, fancy, fruit sheesha is not as good as regular old sheesha—though it is pretty. (And cantaloupe is my new favorite flavor… for now.)
6. Laduree macarons are just as DE-LIC-IOUS in London as they are in Paris. And served over ice cream? Not to be missed! Joie de vivre!
7. People think being alone or traveling alone is a bad thing. It really isn’t. 🙂
8. When I’m away I’m more likely to push myself out of my comfort zones, be open and try new things. I like that and I want to keep on traveling as long as I am able to so I hope opportunities keep coming my way. (Okay so these last two were semi-serious. I digress.)
9. London has its own version of one of my favorite shows, The Bachelor, but it’s not nearly as good as our version with host Chris Harrison. You need a host, British version. You do.
And finally….
10. If you ever find yourself suddenly swept into a monk parade (best way for me to describe it) and you are stuck between the accordion player and the dancers, just stop, turn 90 degrees and walk out of the way. There’s really no other way to get out. You won’t pass the monks so just step out of the way.
Like I said, random? Yes. Insignificant? Perhaps. But worth remembering? Sure. Most things are on some level or another.
With Gratitude,