For the past three years it’s been a tradition that my brother and I head up to the Boston Book Festival. Each year we check out the free events, grab lunch, bump into friends and usually end up with some new books—and if we’re lucky we sometimes meet the author’s face to face.
Those moments are always memorable.
Yesterday was no different. Despite my feeling overwhelmed with work and wondering if I should go, by Friday afternoon I knew I would. How could I miss one of my favorite October activities?
Keeping the tradition alive, we picked up coffees and drove into Boston early. It ended up being a gorgeous New England fall day with the sun beaming down and the temperatures in the 60s.
I love going to the Book Festival partly because I love writing and partly because I love reading. There’s something about being surrounded by hundreds of people who feel the same way you do that makes the whole thing invigorating.
And I’m always inspired by the authors. Naturally, they each have a story to tell. Sometimes it’s the story of how they became a writer. Other times it’s the story of how they write their stories. And sometimes they even share what inspires them most—what keeps them creative, keeps them creating.
That’s my favorite part.
I usually leave feeling like anything is possible. I come home anxious to write and eager to start reading all the new books I’ve added to my collection.
A book geek on a book buzz.
Thank you for another fun day at the BBF with my brother; thank you for letting me realize it was worth making the the time to go.
With Gratitude,