“…There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” ~Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
Dear Universe,
I have always been a fan of Dickens’ classic story A Christmas Carol. It has the quintessential elements a classic story should. It’s poignant, heart-hitting and puts things in perspective. Also, it has ghosts.
(A version not to be missed!)
You know the story. In it, Scrooge gets visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. The ghosts enlighten him to what his life used to be, currently is and where it could go—which in short, is not good. Scrooge is transformed. Happy ending for all.
I probably like the story as much as I do because I like the idea of reflecting on the past, in relation to where I am now, and looking ahead to the future. I am the girl who wants a DeLorean, after all. This year was different, though.
I decided to stay away from all the ghosts of Christmas pasts—because some ghosts are better left undisturbed—and I refrained from thinking too far ahead into the future—because the unknown can often drive me crazy.
Instead, I tried my best to focus on just being in the moment and not thinking about the day itself and what it means, could mean, should mean.
Because while it is important to think about the past and the future, sometimes you just need to take a day off and focus on the present.
Besides, New Year’s is just days away. And I know I will do my fair share of reflecting and planning ahead then!
Thank you for the peace from the past and the phantoms of the future. It was a refreshing change for me.
With Gratitude,