Before officially welcoming in the New Year, I think today is a good opportunity to let things go.
Take a few minutes today to ask yourself this one question:
What things do you wish to let go of from this year or from the past that you don’t want to carry into tomorrow, into the New Year?
You don’t have to shout them from a rooftop or announce them during the countdown tonight (unless you want to). You just have to be completely honest and write them down, one by one, putting the thought in your mind that these are things you no longer want, since they don’t serve a greater purpose in your life.
When you are done, take the list, read it over carefully and commit to saying goodbye to each of these things.
Then rip it, flush it or burn it. Let it out of your hands and let it go.
You will hopefully feel lighter and ready to ring in the New Year with a little less angst and a little more hope.
Don’t believe me? Take my word on this. Last year on a flight to London, somewhere over the Atlantic, I did just that. I flushed a list of things that I didn’t want to carry any more. I realized it was time to let go of some baggage. I wanted to return from the trip, in the New Year, feeling lighter.
And I did.
So what will you release?
Vow to only take what you need into the New Year.
With Gratitude,

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