Yesterday I did some cleaning up around the house. I did the normal weekly stuff like laundry, vacuuming, sorting through the mail…
And that’s when I remembered! Speaking of freebies, I get a lot of magazines sent to me free of charge.
Now before the naysayers start doubting me, be assured I’ve checked credit card statements and I am positive I am getting these magazines for free. In fact, a new one arrived the other day with a letter attached asking me to, “please enjoy [my] complimentary subscription.”
Don’t mind if I do!
Except I haven’t had the time to fully appreciate it. Usually the magazines, which range from Entertainment Weekly to Sports Illustrated to Redbook to Shape, come in and I put them aside. After all, I barely have time to keep up with my paid subscription to O Magazine.
Now I’m not complaining! I’m grateful for all these free magazines! But it wasn’t until I was cleaning up, throwing away junk mail, that I realized that my pile? Well, it’s really starting to pile up and up.
(Please see photo of just a few of the ones waiting for me to read. I’m slightly embarrassed to display them all. 🙂 )
I tried to sort through them and toss the ones I don’t want (usually Sports Illustrated is the first to go), but the covers are too compelling. Of course I want to know what Jennifer Love Hewitt’s curve enhancing workout is! Of course I want to know how P!nk got her husband back; why season three of Game of Thrones is worth getting excited over, how to save over $5,000 this year; how to perk up my mood, metabolism and energy; the top 45 beauty treats and specials; and all the ways I can use canned pumpkin in cooking.
Well, maybe I don’t want to know all those things, but most of them!
And besides, these magazines are ripe for the picking. I’m still hoping to create my best vision board yet. I know there are dozens of images and phrases just waiting for my discovery.
But now I’m thinking I may have to dedicate a whole day to this project. A day of reading, cutting, gluing and inspiring.
The more I think about it, the more it seems long overdue.
Thank you inundating me with magazines filled with advice on everything from health to beauty, to the latest books with all the buzz, to television and movies, to just normal, everyday life stuff.
I know this information will come in handy—as soon as I read it—which I will.
Much Gratitude,