“It’s a beautiful day, the sun is up, the music’s playing
And even if it started raining
You won’t hear this boy complaining…” ~Michael Bublé
Dear Universe,
It’s official. I’m in a Bublé Bubble.
This past Friday I got the opportunity to see Michael Bublé perform. I have always been a fan of his—really who isn’t a fan of Bublé’s ballads—and couldn’t wait to go.
Upon entering TD Bank North (or the Boston Garden as I will always call it), it was easy to see that everyone was in the Bublé vortex. From teeangers holding neon signs and wearing handmade t-shirts with the phrase “You just haven’t met me yet,” (a shout out to his popular song “I Just Haven’t Met You Yet,”) to adult women in sequined and feathered ball gowns and high heels, everyone was ready for Bublé.
The high heels and hype were worth it.
From the moment Bublé slid—yes slid—onto the stage, the crowd was sucked into the Bublé bubble. Time stood still as his sultry voice filled the stadium for two hours straight. There’s something sexy about a handsome man in a tuxedo singing love songs.
But it’s more than that.
Watching Bublé perform one can’t help but realize something. This is a man who loves what he does. This is a man who appreciates his success—especially since it took over ten years to get his big break, he shared. This is a man who loves his fans and made a point of showing them that throughout his performance—like dedicating the entire show to a Boston Marathon bombing survivor whom he met before the show, to calling up a thirteen-year-old girl to wish her happy birthday, and reaching out to a fan who was recording his performance on her phone, so he could grab it and sing right into it for her—a video I’m sure she’s watched at least a hundred times over by now.
During the songs people sang along and sometimes tears were shed. In between, Bublé knew how to lighten the mood with his sense of humor and charming personality. He told personal stories, joked around and introduced his orchestra with genuine appreciation.
Love was in the air. Not just for Bublé, and not just when heart confetti showered the crowd, but with everyone.
As I looked around me, I saw seats filled with friends swaying to the music, couples cuddling or dancing, families bonding…
The Bublé bubble is a powerful force field.
Thanks for the experience to watch an amazingly talented superstar perform live. It’s something I won’t soon forget. And thank you for the reminder that if you love what you do, enjoy and appreciate every moment, the people around you can’t help but notice and be inspired by it.
Love is a force field more powerful than we recognize. Thanks for reminding me by letting me see it first-hand.
Much Gratitude,