“We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don’t have something better.” ~C. JoyBell C.
Dear Universe,
A few years back, I was in a rut.
Or at least I felt I was in a rut. I was in an on again, off again, on again roller-coaster-relationship—with more lows than highs. I wasn’t particularly happy at my job. That was it. It doesn’t seem like much, but these two things consumed my days, consumed my thoughts and caused for many a sleepless night.
I just couldn’t see a way out. I was trying so hard to make what I had work, that I had no energy to even think of alternate solutions.
But one day, I had an epiphany. It was really simple actually, but it stuck with me and all these years later I still think of it. My intuition loudly said:
If you want to see a change, you have to make a change.
That’s it. And instead of trying the same old, same old—which wasn’t getting me anywhere—I decided it was time to make some changes.
At first, I started small. I tried to remind myself of the positive things I liked about my job and I stopped speaking with the negative people who tended to drag me down more with their complaints. I enrolled in a summer writing class. I started to go to the gym more. And I broke up with the boyfriend—for the final time.
Months passed and I realized that a lot was different. These small changes led to bigger ones. Without the negative relationship, I was happier, lighter and more relaxed. I liked the summer course so much I decided to apply to grad school. Being at my job was more tolerable knowing I had new aspirations I was working towards.
Sometimes I hear other people saying they are in a rut. I always feel sympathy because I remember what it felt like to feel like you are at a dead end, trying every day, not getting the results you want. It’s depressing and feels like something is off—because it is.
And that’s when I remember the words: If you want to see a change, make a change. This short sentence has continued to serve me well over the years through many trials and traumas, heartbreaks and disappointments.
It’s never too late to change your life and create the one want. Maybe it starts with a big shift or maybe it starts with a small one—a ten minute daily meditation, a positive mantra you repeat hourly. The point is, just try something new.
Years have passed now since the initial epiphany and my life is vastly different—in ways I couldn’t even imagine. In fact, if someone had told me all the things I would have to change, go through, sort out and do, I think I would have stayed frozen in place too afraid and too overwhelmed by all the transformation to come. I’ve realized, Universe, you probably did that on purpose. You knew that I wouldn’t have been able to handle massive change all at once so instead you graced me with the gift of patience and time.
I appreciate all the blessings I have now so much more because of that.
So when I see someone “stuck in a rut” I often think about how one small, positive change could make a world of difference. I just wish they could see it too.
One small positive change can create a domino effect of mini and major miracles.
Don’t believe me? I don’t blame you. I remember that feeling too. But why not try it? What do you have to lose?
Much Gratitude,

Comments 2
Thanks for that inspirational post! I was wondering if you could recommend a book on Meditation for beginners. Facing many of the same situations you were going through! Thanks again for your blog.
Thank you, Bill! I appreciate you reading and the kind words. I’m glad you found this post at the right time for you.
I would say the first book I bought that helped me meditate was Doreen Virtue’s Chakra Clearing Book. It came with a CD that guides you through the practice of clearing your chakras (I still use this!) I believe this is the same book (but with a download, not a CD):
I’m also a huge Gabby Bernstein fan! I would recommend this book:
And I just read this article this morning I wanted to share with you! It’s inspiring because it asks you start small… Just five minutes a day. I agree! Sometimes five minutes is all I have, but it makes a huge difference.
Hope these help! Sending you lots of light as you begin this practice. 🙂