“Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone’s day.” ~ Richelle E. Goodrich
Dear Universe,
We’ve all heard the joy in giving is in receiving. When you give from your heart you receive such a complete feeling of joy in return.
And that’s true.
Unfortunately, we sometimes think we have to give big to make it count. And when we can’t give big, we give up. But lately, I’ve been noticing more and more that even the smallest, littlest gives can make a big difference. I had never really considered it, but I even think sometimes the little gives may add up to count more than the big ones.
That’s because what one may perceive as a little give may actually be a big give to someone else.
Here are a couple of examples of little gives I’ve witnessed or experienced lately.
The other day I was on the phone with my friend. It was that time of night. Her baby was fussing, her little girl was hungry, her dog was barking, dinner needed to be made, and her thoughts were consumed by the fact she’s moving out of her home next week! At that moment her husband texted, asking if she wanted him to pick up frozen yogurt—her favorite—on the way home. She was elated! And so appreciative!
A little give on his part. A big one on her end.
Here’s another one from this week. My dear friend loves Mexican food. Every time she finds out I’ve cooked it, she tells me “I wish I had been there!” So a few nights ago, when I knew she was coming over, I decided to surprise her. I made tacos with all the fixings, Mexican salad, my own creative concoction of a spicy guacamole dip and Sangria with fresh fruit. Her expression when she walked in the kitchen was picture worthy. She was so excited! And so grateful!
Such a small give on my part. A big one on her end. (And it made me so happy to do it!)
There are so many examples like this that I can think of: a glass of wine already poured and waiting for me after a long day, an unexpected text checking in, a loving hug when I need it most, time spent together, a cup of coffee, an unexpected treat…
I know I can think of so many other little gives gifted to me, or gifted away by me. I’m sure you can too.
Little things, but big-heart-melting-so-appreciated things.
We don’t need extravagant gifts or presents that take months to plan. Sometimes the thoughtful, tiny gives are the ones that go further, last longer. They are the ones that are often remembered and retold.
The little gives don’t take much from us. A little consideration and a little effort prove a little can go a long way. (Tweet that!)
“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” ~Mother Teresa
Life is made up of little moments all strung together. Are there big moments we will never forget? Sure. But it’s the seemingly insignificant ones in the day-to-day that sometimes count most.
Giving works the same way. We all remember the life-enhancing things we give and receive. Absolutely. But it’s the little gives that can make or break a relationship, make or break our spirit, make or break our day.
Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity, a special occasion or for a tragedy to make a big give.
Take every day as an opportunity to give in small, but substantial ways. Recognize the little gives can be bigger than you know, can be brighter than you think.
What will be your little gives today? What will be the little gives others extend to you?
Recognize and appreciate them all. Give with the best of intentions and receive with the highest of gratitude.
Thanks for the realization that little doesn’t mean non-existent. Little can be impactful, memorable and bigger than it seems.
A little give can be a big get.
With Gratitude,