One of my favorite things about London is walking around. It’s one of the few cities I’ve ever been in where I don’t mind walking for hours. Whether it’s an aimless stroll or a walk with a mission, it doesn’t matter. Long after my feet are sore, I’ll still keep on going.
I think it’s because for me something about London is magical, intoxicating.
From the architecture, to the cobbled street alleys, to the parks, to the pubs, to the local shops, there’s always something worth looking at, worth noting. It’s hard not to stop now and then to just take it in and absorb.
Yesterday is a perfect example. My cousin and I headed out with a specific destination in mind. But as we walked, we detoured. And one detour led to the next until suddenly, it was nightfall and we had never reached our intended spot.
The first detour led us to Kensington Gardens, which I had never been to. It was simply gorgeous. (Even the drinking fountain was worth taking a picture of!) I hope to return at some point soon.
After that we walked some more and popped into a pub for just a quick drink, or so we thought. One thing led to another and soon we were ordering another, eating classic pub food (fish and chips for me, roast for him) and taking in the local acoustic singer performing hit songs that had the crowd singing, cheering, clapping and dancing.
A favorite moment? One man twirled a young woman so many times her dress and hair were constantly swirling in the air. She smiled from ear to ear the whole time. I smiled watching them and taking in the scene. (Fellas, please note: sometimes a lady just wants a man to twirl her.)
We returned home never having reached our intended destination, but as the saying goes, it’s all about the journey.
Thanks for the reminder that sometimes it really is okay to end up in a place you didn’t intend on. And sometimes? The place you find yourself is better than what you originally hoped and planned for.
With Gratitude,