“Your daydreams can be glimpses into your future, as long as you believe them to be.” Dear Universe, When I was a little girl, my mom designed jewelry. Not many people knew this as she did it as a side job to being a full-time, stay at home mom to three children. For the years she stayed home we kept …
The Truth About Manifesting Your Dreams
“You have to give it everything. Then you have to give it a little more. The answer becomes clear in the practice of doing the work.” Dear Universe, I’m a believer in manifesting your dreams. It’s supposed to work something like this: you have a dream, you create a vision for it, you think about it positively and voila, your …
Because I’m Ready Now
“No one can tell us when we’re ready. No one can and no one should. Only you can make that choice because the answer is within you. No one else carries your truth.” Dear Universe, We all know how hard it can be to make a change, but when we finally reach the moment when we are ready, it can …
The Power of Powerball: Why Dreaming is Priceless
“I dream. Sometimes I think that’s the only right thing to do.” ~Haruki Murakami Dear Universe, This past week the Powerball lottery reached an all-time high: $1.5 billion. And all around me, people were in a ticket-buying frenzy. (Full disclosure: I was one of those people.) Some stood in line for hours while others superstitiously hopped from location to location …
Sand and Sandcastles: The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of
“I dream my painting and I paint my dream.” ~Vincent van Gogh Dear Universe, Yesterday I arrived at the beach nice and early, which is one of my favorite things to do. It turned out I wasn’t the only one who likes to beat the crowds. There on the beach was an older gentleman putting the final touches on a …
“We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That’s what connects us–that we’re all broken, all beautifully imperfect.” ~Emilio Estevez Dear Universe, When I was a kid it would seem like the end of the world when I would break a toy. Even with glue or tape, it made me sad to see that no matter how hard I tried, the toy …
Do Not Disturb
Dear Universe, Okaaaay, I admit it. Lately, I’ve been a little antsy, impatient, on edge, anxious… Well, you get the idea. I think this stems from my overworking/under-sleeping state. Meaning, I know this will pass. But I just can’t believe it’s 2013 and that March is almost over! Spring is hours away! (Not that you can tell with Winter Storm …