“Sometimes something resonates with you and you don’t immediately know why. Later, when the realization hits, you are astounded by the ways in which the Universe speaks to you.” Dear Universe, As soon as we arrived in Maui, we knew it. It wasn’t just the tropical scenery or the warm weather; it was the feeling we got when we met …
Willing, Wishing and Waiting
“Stop wishing for others to change into who you think they should be. They aren’t focused on what you think. They are too busy finding their way.” Dear Universe, Even though spring has officially started, here in the Northeast it certainly doesn’t feel that way. We’ve had freezing cold temperatures, windstorms worthy of winter coats, and snow—yes, inches upon inches …
Unconditional Love, With Conditions
“This is your story. Write it the way you imagine it, with the people and things that delight you most. Write it before someone else takes the pen, draws your path for you, and scribbles away your life.” Dear Universe, Giving love to someone is the greatest gift we give in our lives. Love can be comforting, healing, and transformative. …
Some Kind Words
(Sunset at the park!) “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ~Leo Buscaglia Dear Universe, I believe in sharing our feelings with others—especially when it can brighten or change …
Find Your Tribe
Cheers! Sending you a cup filled with good vibes! “You must surround yourself with the right people for where you are in life. In order to do that, start by being your most authentic self.” Dear Universe, Over the past few years something has become apparent to me. Not everyone around you wants to be walking the same path as …
Little Gives, Big Gets
“Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone’s day.” ~ Richelle E. Goodrich Dear Universe, We’ve all heard the joy in giving is in receiving. When you give from your heart you receive such a complete feeling of joy in return. And that’s true. Unfortunately, we sometimes think we have to give big to make it …