Once again, Oprah has inspired me. As I was reading the latest issue of O Magazine, I fell in love with the article on writing your own six word memoir. A variety of different memoirs were submitted from all walks of life. Some of my favorites? “I live my best life now.” “Loving heart for sale. Like new.” “Mission accomplished—but will consider reincarnation.” And, “Forever entertained by the universe’s humor.”
As I looked more closely I realized the idea was taken from www.smithmag.net/sixwords/. I of course had to go to the site and read as many as I could. A couple that stood out for me? “At crossraods. Can’t decide. Any thoughts?” And, “Living a life I never imagined.”
I noticed some people regularly contributed to the website. Makes sense. Since memoirs are a snapshot of someone’s life, they really can be written at any time about anything. So if all these people can do it, I figure I should at least give it a shot. So here goes…
Spiritually awakened. Much happier. Forever grateful.
Starting over. Endless possibilities…What now?
Chocolate, ice cream, coffee. I’m content.
Horrible at writing six word memoirs.
But I do like this idea. It’s a quick way to check in and see where I’m at any time of the day, month, year.
Thanks for the soulful, writing inspiration.
With Gratitude,