How is it already March 1st?
The last couple of weeks have felt like a whirlwind. Such a whirlwind in fact, that I can’t even explain where the time has gone. What have I been doing?
I don’t like that I can’t answer that.
I need to get back in a routine where I am more balanced and feeling productive, rather than frazzled and crazed. I want the everyday juggle to look like a beautifully choreographed show rather than a chaotic amateur hour.
So it struck me as ironic timing when I saw an online article about time management. Despite feeling rushed, I took the time to read it. Okay, skim it—hey, I had other things to do!
Here’s what I gathered. The idea is to dedicate one day a week towards something meaningful to you. For instance, maybe your week gets filled up with Yoga Mondays, Cooking Healthy Wednesdays, Writing Fridays… that sort of thing. I felt the article was encouraging people to be realistic. Maybe I can’t fit in everything every day, but if each day is devoted to something specific that’s important to me then my week will balance out better.
I feel inspired. I want to try it. I just need to sit and plan out what my days of the week should be.
I will. Soon.
(Did I mention I read that article over a week ago?)
Please bring me some inspiration and balance.
Thank you,