Usually manicures, makeup, music pumping and glitzy dresses galore at this time of year can only mean one thing: prom.
But not last night. All this glamour wasn’t taking place at a prom, but rather a fundraiser for one.
I have to admit I was invited to this event at the last minute and didn’t know much about it. As in—my best friend told me to meet her at a local salon her good friend owns for a fundraiser. Forty-five minutes later, I showed up.
It wasn’t until we arrived that we realized we could have brought old prom dresses to donate. The goal was to raise money, collect gowns and split the proceeds between two local high schools for this upcoming prom season.
(Not sure why, but white-weddingesque dresses were in that year. Odd, but I went with it.)
I would have been happy to donate!
Once we paid the entry fee we were told we could get manicures, makeup application, hair chalking and henna tattoos. I immediately jumped at the chance to get henna done. After careful consideration I chose a design that resembled angel wings. Instead of the typical floral pattern in each wing, I requested a design made of hearts. I wanted it to symbolize an open heart.
The artist did a beautiful job. She even improvised at the last minute and colored in an extra heart nestled between the two wings. I loved the way it came out and couldn’t wait to show off my temporary case of rebelliousness.
Except, I can’t. The henna tatoo slowly started to disappear only hours after it was applied and this morning it had vanished! It completely peeled off and no trace of it remains, not even a faint marking of the rust colored paint. My body rejected my oh so clever symbolism?
(In the process of disappearing.)
I’m going to hope it’s not a sign.
Thank you for letting me be a small part of a good cause.
With Gratitude,