“Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad.”
Dear Universe,
It’s Father’s Day. This day, like so many others, is a little bittersweet for me since I lost my dad when I was fourteen-years-old.
But instead of being sad on a day like this, I try to remember how lucky I am to have had him for as long as I did. I’m lucky to remember lots of things about him, who he was and to have countless memories to reflect on any time I want—which I do often. I’m also grateful to have had an uncle and grandfather who were incredible father figures to me.
Now that I’m an adult I’m starting to watch loved ones around me become fathers. It’s astounding to observe the men I know step into the role of being a dad and seeing how it transforms them, what it means to them.
I see my brother’s love, generosity, patience and pure joy as he cares for his children. He really enjoys every second of it. He loves being a dad, is always having fun and it shows.
I see friends I never thought would grow up, grow up.
On any given day these dads can be found playing with tricycles, trains or taking part in tea parties. Dirty diapers, baths and story time are all par for the course. When they are not doing that, they can usually be found behind the lens of a camera, capturing precious memories.
I look at their children and I think of how lucky they are to have such dedicated, adoring fathers. They may not fully appreciate it now, but I know one day they will. Trust me on that.
So Happy Father’s Day to all the men in my life. Thank you for being the dads you are. You may not realize it, but you raise the bar—high.
Much Gratitude,