I think I’ve come to a conclusion.
London just may be my favorite city in the world.
Usually big cities overwhelm me. I can often feel lonely walking around streets surrounded by strangers and crowds. One or two days tops and I am ready to retreat to the safety of my car and head back to the suburbs.
But not in London. Somehow whenever I am there, the opposite happens. As soon as I land, I feel enlivened, happy and like anything is possible. I’m eager to get out each day and usually I am out all day, doing whatever—playing it by ear, or following some elaborate adventure I’ve planned or both.
There’s just something about London that feels comfortable and natural to me.
Further proof? Anyone who knows me well knows I have a horrible sense of direction. I wish I were exaggerating, but it’s truly awful. Yet somehow in London, I hop on and off the tube (subway) as if I’ve done it for years. I weave in and out of side streets somehow knowing my way as if there is a London map sketched in my brain. I remember how to get to places even if months have gone by since I last went. This is strange and unexplainable to me.
Each time I’ve been there I discover something new or return to a favorite spot. Whether it’s a cup of coffee, a chocolate croissant, steamed dumplings, a burger or sheesha I crave or even if I want a pedicure or a wash and blow dry of my hair—I now have spots I go to, regularly.
It’s nice to discover and become familiar with places that were once foreign to you. I’m so glad I feel like I can say I know London well. I already can’t wait to get back.
An added bonus? It’s nice to discover more about yourself.
London inspires me. Since it brings out different sides of me and these qualities stand out more something funny happens when I am there. I feel like I get to know myself better. And… I like London me. I like regular me too, but it’s refreshing to realize there’s still so much to find out about myself.
That’s a journey I don’t see ending any time soon.
Much Appreciation,