“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~Albert Einstein
Dear Universe,
Yesterday I started a 21 day meditation challenge.
What I like about this is that I have back up. You see, it’s not just any meditation challenge. No, no. This one has Oprah and Deepak Chopra behind it. That’s a lot of spiritual support.
I also like that I mentioned it to a few friends and they decided to do it too. I think that will keep me motivated knowing we are all checking in with each other or talking about it.
The three week meditations focus on “miraculous relationships.” This quote from the first meditation stood out to me:
“If our minds are preoccupied or we’re too busy or rushed, we may not notice the miracles coming into our life, yet they are always there, like gifts waiting to be opened.”
The idea is that miracles are a part of everyday life and the sooner we start paying attention the sooner we can start seeing them and accepting them with grace.
Most people think of miracles as rare and extraordinary occurrences, something we may never witness in our lifetime. But with this new definition, it means that we are touched by miracles on a regular basis. With this shift in thought, it made me wonder if there are moments in my life that I consider to be a miracle.
Right away, several came to mind. The idea moved me so much it brought me to tears.
Oddly enough, the moments I thought of weren’t ones when I was overjoyed, but rather they were times when I was struggling.
I was reminded that just when I thought all hope was lost, or that I was at the end of my rope, that’s exactly when a “miracle” was gifted to me.
It was a blessing to remember that.
Thank you for the miracles I have received. Please grant me the awareness to keep recognizing them as they arrive.
I promise to always gracefully accept them.
With Gratitude,