“Thoughts are very powerful things. Think of them often enough and long enough and they’ll become self-fulfilling prophecies.” ~Charlotte Reed
Dear Universe,
I am feeling especially blessed this last week as I have been traveling to some of my favorite cities and new places with one of my favorite people.
At least once a day I stop and can’t believe where I am, what I’m doing.
The days have gone by in a flash. Miles have been walked, shoes have been worn down, and hundreds of pictures have been taken.
Yes, hundreds!
There are so many moments to write about, so many things that have touched me in some way, but I want to start with something from the beginning of the trip.
London always inspires me. From the fashion to the art to the food to the people from all over the world, I’m never at a loss of things to do, things to see and things to experience.
Last Saturday was the perfect London day to head to Notting Hill and the markets on Portobello Road. The stalls seemed to stretch longer than I remembered. There was no end to the vendors selling everything from antique books, vintage jewelry, thimble-sized trinkets, second-hand clothes, and odds and ends.
And food. Anything you want to eat.
It’s crowded. People everywhere. Performers every block or so. Bright colors, mouth-watering aromas, music blaring, and products you never knew you wanted until suddenly you are haggling for them.
In other words, it’s chaos.
It wasn’t until I was at the very end of the road that I saw a stand that seemed made for me. Inspirational prints! And a book, May The Thoughts Be With You, with the entire collection!
And the woman selling them is the artist who makes them! Charlotte Reed is her name and she’s lovely.
Her prints are made up of insightful sayings and simple, yet brilliant artwork. They catch your eye with their childlike wonder combined with their adult sensibility.
Some of the sayings are:
“The Universe is ready when you are.”
“It is when our plans go ‘wrong’ that wonderful, unforeseen things are allowed to occur.”
“Life is simple. Stop looking. Start being.”
“An equation we weren’t taught in school: Simple + balanced= happy.”
I probably don’t have to say this, but naturally, I was hooked.
I was so inspired by this. A writer/artist following her dream, making her art, and spreading a little cheer to the world.
Best of all? Charlotte is personable and humble. Gracious and kind.
As I found out more, I learned that Charlotte began her work after going through a dark time. The back of the book includes a bit of her mission:
“This little book is full of wise thoughts. They can be used to inspire you when you want to make some changes in your life, or they can simply cheer you up when you’re feeling gloomy…”
They certainly do.
I love when two like-minded souls sort of just collide in the middle of chaos and connect.
I of course bought a couple of her pieces and her book with the complete collections. I know that whenever I need an upbeat reminder, I can look upon her work and be uplifted.
Thank you for a sunny, warm day filled with chaos and inspiration.
With Gratitude,