The Final Countdown

Angie Beginnings, Lessons, Letting Go, Moving On, New Year Leave a Comment

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”  ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce Dear Universe, It’s almost here: 2017 is fast approaching.  Some of us are excited by the prospect of a fresh start and it’s hard to miss …

Giving What You Can, Not What You Can’t

Angie Advice, Expectations, Generosity, Helping, Insight, Kindness, Lessons, Letting Go, Lightworker, Mindfulness, Relationships Leave a Comment

“If you just enchanted one person per day, you would make a big dent in the universe.” ~Guy Kawasaki Dear Universe, I often look at my best friend and admire how she wants to help everyone. I mean everyone. Someone is moving?  She’s there packing. Someone’s car breaks down?  She’s offering a ride and getting it towed for you. Someone …

Choose Love

Angie Believe, Choose Love, Dreams, Gratitude, Hope, Inspiration, Intentions, Jewelry, Joy, Passion, Shop\, Work 2 Comments

“Your daydreams can be glimpses into your future, as long as you believe them to be.” Dear Universe, When I was a little girl, my mom designed jewelry. Not many people knew this as she did it as a side job to being a full-time, stay at home mom to three children.  For the years she stayed home we kept …

The Fearless Pursuit of Your Dreams

Angie Believe, Brave, Fear, Future, Inspiration, Trust, Universe, Worries Leave a Comment

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” ~Paulo Coelho Dear Universe, I have seven nieces and nephews and not a day goes by where I don’t find myself in awe of them. They constantly amaze me—the new things they learn, how they perceive the world, and the questions they ask.  So …

Don’t Rush Your Joy

Angie Gratitude, Happiness, Intentions, Joy, Mindful, Purpose Leave a Comment

“Your joy is your purpose.  Your purpose is to recognize and honor your joy.” Dear Universe, Lately I’ve been thinking more and more about what it means to be joyful.  It could be because I work closely with a student whose middle name is Joy.  Our weekly meetings somehow always meander back to the idea of being happy—being joyful. I …

The Truth About Manifesting Your Dreams

Angie Believe, Dreams, Hope, Manifesting, Miracles, Work 2 Comments

“You have to give it everything. Then you have to give it a little more. The answer becomes clear in the practice of doing the work.” Dear Universe, I’m a believer in manifesting your dreams. It’s supposed to work something like this: you have a dream, you create a vision for it, you think about it positively and voila, your …

Happy, Positive People

Angie Choices, Choose Love, Energy, Happiness, Healing, Positive, Try, Uplift Leave a Comment

“You can be happy every day.  There is no secret formula.  You simple have to do this one very simple and very difficult thing: choose.” Dear Universe, I love being around happy, positive people.  I think most of us do. Happy people have an aura about them that radiates even from a distance.  You see it in their smiles or …


Angie Aloha, Breathe, Insight, Joy, Kindness, Life, Light, Love, Maui, Signs, Spirit, Words Leave a Comment

“Sometimes something resonates with you and you don’t immediately know why.  Later, when the realization hits, you are astounded by the ways in which the Universe speaks to you.” Dear Universe, As soon as we arrived in Maui, we knew it.  It wasn’t just the tropical scenery or the warm weather; it was the feeling we got when we met …