“Write your dreams in a journal, notebook, card or on a cork. When you pen down your dreams, an inner strength and divine power is activated for you to work towards the fulfillment of your dreams.” ~Lailah Gifty Akita
Dear Universe,
Sometimes it’s good to be reminded that the big things we’re dreaming of rarely happen in a day or a night or a week or a month or even a year.
The big things we envision usually take much longer to line up, come together and enter our reality.
But we can get mistaken into thinking that it should happen in a certain amount of time. We see other people (especially on social media) living out big dreams like it’s no big deal, like it’s easy peezy, and so we think it must be simple and we’re somehow screwing it all up.
Here’s the truth. If you’re trusting your inner guidance, working towards a dream, living and breathing it, never giving up on it, then you are on the right track—even when progress feels stalled or minimal.
The mistake we make is holding a vision too tightly.
We need to leave wiggle room for the dream to expand or evolve. Perhaps it’s meant to be something even better or far different than what we’re imagining.
Last week I had the amazing opportunity to speak to a group of women at one of my favorite places on the planet. (This is not an exaggeration).
I was first introduced to this spa and resort over a decade ago. And if someone had held up a crystal ball back then and shown me an image of my future self delivering an inspirational talk, I wouldn’t have believed it. It was so far beyond anything I could have pictured for myself in that moment.
At that time in my life I was feeling lost. I was soul searching (that never ends for me by the way, but this was soul searching of the intense-gut-wrenching-dig-deeper-than-you-ever-have kind).
I had no real sense of direction at that point. All I knew was I couldn’t keep doing what I was doing. I wanted more. I wanted to do more. I wanted to be more—more authentic and more of me down to my core. I wanted to help people on a bigger scale. I knew I had a purpose I wasn’t living out, that I wasn’t being true to myself or my destiny.
So one of my best girlfriends brought me to this spa for a night away. We donned lush robes and she treated me to a luxurious spa experience. Her mom had packed us this decadent, over-flowing gift basket filled with wine, dozens of snacks, a stack of magazines and we dove in!
It was one of those nights everyone needs at some point. We hung out in our robes, ordered room service and indulged all our senses. We laughed, we cried and we recouped. The next morning we checked out with me feeling more hopeful and more grateful.
Since then I’ve made it a point to return to this place as much as possible. Sometimes it’s just for a few hours. Sometimes it’s for a whole day or night.
A lot can change in ten years.
I could detail the journey—the good, the hard, the devastating, the glorious moments, all of it—but that isn’t what this post is about. (Truthfully, I would need a book to do that!)
This post is about me having a moment to recognize how far I’ve come—to see that my dreams are unfolding in perfect timing.
I rarely take moments to pause and give myself credit for how far I’ve come because one, like most of us, I’m terrible at giving myself credit. And two, I’m always forward thinking and focusing on what should happen next.
So when the moment creeped up on me, it took me by surprise.
Here’s how it happened.
I showed up to the spa early for my talk. I wanted time to review my notes. I got a cup of tea and a scone. I sat and had some quiet time to myself.
But it still didn’t hit me.
Next, I went to the spa’s gift shop. And that’s when, for the first time, I saw my jewelry line on display there. I hadn’t personally delivered it and I hadn’t been there yet so it was exciting to see it all set up—and so beautifully!
But it still didn’t hit me.
It wasn’t until I took a seat by the fireplace and had some time before my presentation began, that it hit me. How far I’ve come. How much things have changed.
Here I was. An invited guest speaker! Talking about tuning into your intuition! With my jewelry line on display!
What?! How and when did this happen?
Oh yeah. Lots of tears. Lots of hard work. Lots of sweat and hair-pulling. Many anxiety-ridden days, sleepless nights and questioning it all. A whole lot of wondering what the hell I was doing and if I was ever on track or finding my path.
And a lot of cheerleading and unconditional support from a few nearest and dearest who manage to see the best in me, and recognize my potential, even when I can’t.
I would love to be able to speak to that younger version of myself. I’d tell her not to worry.
I’d tell her that all the effort, all the self-discovery, all the working hard to improve my situation, all the pushing myself to dig deep into old wounds and to finally heal them…. that it would be worth it. I’d thank her for doing the work so this future version of myself could be where I am today.
Because that was always my wish back then. I worked as hard as I did because I kept picturing a future me somewhere down the road happier, and better off in ways I could not yet fathom, but only hope for.
I’d tell this younger version of myself not to worry about the details, the when and the how. I’d just wrap her in a big hug and whisper, “You’re going to be happy. Happier than you can imagine. You’re going to find your passion and following it is going lead you to people and places you never expected.”
I wouldn’t tell her too many details like the trips to London for months on end, traveling all over, getting my MFA, changing careers, writing residencies, starting a business, designing jewelry, getting published, leading guided meditations, getting on stages to talk to crowds, falling in love with a great man, or falling crazy in love with a perfect, little, baby boy whose smile will make me mush….
I wouldn’t tell her any of that and not because it would ruin the surprise, but because the details may overwhelm that girl trying to find her way. The details may make her hit pause from fear—wondering how so much life could be possible.
But that’s the point, isn’t it? That when nothing is sure, anything is possible.
So maybe before I let her go, I’d whisper one more thing, “There’s so much possibility ahead. Get ready. Don’t be scared. Open your arms, your mind and your heart to it all. And one more thing. There will be times when you question how you got here or what you did to deserve these blessings. Stop that. Just embrace it. And keep saying thank you.”
As I sat by that fireplace, the realization washed over me so I did what I always do. I turned to writing. I took out my phone, started typing this blog post and the words came pouring out of me.
I paused with a grateful heart, knowing that the journey is continuing to unfold, that I’m continuing to grow, and that the Universe has a plan far beyond my wildest imaginings.
Sometimes it’s good to be reminded that the big things we’re dreaming of rarely happen in a day or a night or a week or a month or even a year.
They happen when they are meant to. And they happen in ways we might not ever expect.
So today I give thanks for the possibilities ahead—the ones my future self will someday look back on and marvel at. I’ll keep working hard to make her happy, to make her proud.
With Gratitude,