“Whatever satisfies the soul is truth.” ~Walt Whitman
Dear Universe,
Lately, a lesson keeps coming to me. It’s a lesson about how, whether we realize it or not, the answers are always within us.
Like most lessons, this one has come up in a variety of ways—some of which are subtle, while others are more obvious.
Most recently, I experienced one of those obvious moments while I sought the counsel of a dear friend and spiritual mentor. I asked for her opinion, and she looked like she had an answer on the tip of her tongue, but then paused before speaking and said this instead. “Well, you are highly intuitive. What does your intuition tell you? What do you think the answer is? What feels true?”
Without hesitation, what I thought came pouring out, the words feeling right as I vocalized them.
My friend nodded. “That’s exactly what I was going to tell you.”
Sometimes, we don’t want to voice the truth because, well, the truth can be complicated. Once the truth is out “there”—in our minds, in our hearts, in the atmosphere—we can’t just shove it back in a locked box to be forgotten.
Once the truth is known, it’s begging to be recognized and acknowledged.
Here’s the thing. Sometimes it can be easy to acknowledge the truth—to follow what’s most speaking to us. Things come to be and fall into place in a magical way and it’s glorious when that occurs.
But other times, the choice to follow our inner most desires, dreams and wishes can feel impossible.
There are circumstances to contend with or obstacles to overcome. Even worse? We create scenarios in our minds and worries to obsess over… ones that might not ever happen. Those are the times when the truth can scare us into submission, complacency and comfort zones.
That’s one avenue. The other is our truth can push us towards a whole new path or even a whole new existence.
It’s our choice.
I think there’s something to be said in how we perceive the truth. It’s easy to see things one way, and one way only. When it’s easy, there’s nothing more to think about.
When the truth is complex though, it’s hard to shift our perspective, to reach for more—to even acknowledge we may want more. That’s when we slip into fear and try and push the truth aside. We label it as “hard,” or “impossible” and tell ourselves to just forget all about it.
So we ignore it, brush it aside. I mean really, the nerve of truth! It’s interrupting. Things are fine and this isn’t the most convenient time. There are important things to do! Can you come back later? Please and thank you!
But are things really fine? Perhaps this inner wisdom is trying to wake you up to something more. Something needed. Something your soul has been screaming at you, but you’ve been too busy to notice or not quiet enough to hear.
Maybe this is not a curse, but a present waiting to be opened.
And what could be more important than a gift like that?
“Don’t go against your inner knowing. Just don’t. Trust yourself.” ~Maria Erving
Shutting things out may feel easier in the short-term, but experience has taught me that the truth doesn’t just go away because we asked it to. The truth has a way of resurfacing time and again, in ways you can’t even imagine, until one day, finally, we succumb. We recognize it, ask it to pull up a chair, and sit face-to-face with it.
The truth doesn’t have to be scary. What it is there to show us, like anything in life, largely depends on how we handle it. How about instead of perseverating on potential problems or obstacles, we focus on all the things that could go right? How about instead of fixating on fear, we imagine how we may feel if we follow our truth? How about we try and believe the best is yet to be? How about we lean on faith and take a leap—trusting what we need comes to us at exactly the right time?
How about instead of throwing out your truth, your dreams, your visions, before you even try to pursue or face them, you bet on yourself?
Change can be scary. The truth can be scary. A lot of things can be scary.
But experience has also taught me that the scariest thing is ignoring our truth, our inner wisdom, our intuition.
Nothing good comes from pushing things aside, and waiting for a later, more convenient date to take our blindfold off. (There is never that “right” time so now is as good of a time as any.)
Nothing good comes from listening to your fears or the thoughts of what other may people think.
After all, if you’re not listening to your soul’s calling, what are you listening to?
The answers are always within us. We just have to be brave enough to listen.
With Gratitude,