“No matter how many plans you make or how much in control you are, life is always winging it.” ~Carroll Bryant
Dear Universe,
I’m not exactly the most spontaneous person. I’m not exactly the most rigid, stick-to-my-schedule-need-a-plan-at-all-times person either. I’m a tweeny; I land somewhere between those two.
Through the years, I’ve realized the desire to jump up and do something spontaneous depends on what the thing is. For instance, I probably won’t ever be coerced to bungee jump, even if I’m in the moment, everyone around me is doing it and I am being offered large sums of money or ice cream. Bungee jumping? Just not going to happen.
I’ve also realized that the likelihood of me being spontaneous depends on what’s going on in my life. This time last year it was pretty hard to twist my arm to even leave my house—it just was. And finals week at work? Sorry, but I’m not getting up from my desk for anything, unless it’s a fresh cup of coffee, preferably a mocha.
I do have priorities.
(And no, I probably won’t eat worms so don’t ask.)
That being said, I’ve come to a conclusion. I’m in the midst of a spontaneous spurt. It’s the right combination of it being summertime, me being on vacation and the fact that the things that were holding me back a year ago are no longer.
I noticed this the other day when I woke up with one plan and ended up having my day take several unexpected turns, all because I was willing to say yes. Instead of diligently doing work all day I ended up connecting with several friends—first over coffee and then over a glass of wine.
But it’s more than that. Lately, I’ve noticed opportunities popping up more than usual. I almost feel like you are trying to push me out of my comfort zones, Universe. So, I am trying to go with it and be in the moment.
I like being spontaneous…within reason. I think it can be a good thing to not always stick to the plan. Somehow I manage to get the things on my to-do list done anyway.
Thanks for the unexpected, fun things that are coming my way. I’m taking note and am being receptive to saying yes. Most of all, I’m doing that while trying not to over think things too much—not always an easy thing for me!
With Gratitude,