Dear Universe, Well, here I am enjoying sunny Los Angeles on the first leg of my trip. Some hear L.A and they think Beverly Hills, 90210. Others picture the Hollywood sign or the walk of fame. After all, L.A is home to movie stars, almost movie stars and wannabe movie stars (to some degree or another). But for me, it’s just home to one …
Keep Calm and…Whatever
Dear Universe, It was in London that I kept seeing the, “Keep Calm and Carry On” signs everywhere I went. And since I’ve been home I’ve seen the message carry over to this side of the Atlantic. I even received a few “Keep Calm and Carry On” signs, journals and quotation books as gifts. It’s a nice reminder to …
Paris Calling
Dear Universe, I miss Paris. (Don’t worry, London. I still miss you too). The thing is I see reminders of London pretty frequently. The last two weeks though, Paris is calling. First, it was a license plate in bustling New York City that caught my eye. “PARISCAT” it said. I did a double take. Next, I got an email from …
Unexpected Messages
Dear Universe, I consider myself to be pretty observant. On a scale of one to ten, I’d even give myself a nine. That’s why I was so surprised this week to see not one, but two inspirational messages in spots I pass frequently, but had never noticed before. Could they both have popped up within days of each other? The …
Surround Yourself in the Sublime
Dear Universe, I think the vision board bonanza inspired my mom. She gave me this the other day and said, “This made me think of you. It’s a different kind of vision board.” I love it. Immediately, I positioned it in my bedroom where I can see it first thing in the morning and right before I fall asleep. And …
Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs
Dear Universe, I always ask for signs and I believe I receive them. But ever since I got to London I feel like signs are being delivered at full force. Street signs, billboards and advertisements seem to be shouting messages right at me. I’ve been having so much fun noticing them. Here’s a list of just the ones I saw …