Leap List

Angie Leap List, London

Dear Universe, This week a new term was introduced to me via one of my many television guilty pleasure shows—The Bachelor.  As I was watching, The Bachelor, Ben Flajnik—best known for his flowy locks and love of playing the same David Gray song on piano for every one-on-one date—sent out a date card to his ladies in waiting.  The message …

London Calls Me a Stranger…

Angie Chocolate, Fun, Gratitude, Journey, London, Music

Dear Universe, It’s nice to be home. That being said, I do miss my time abroad.  I miss the routine I created while at the same time feeling like anything was possible.  Each day there was a new adventure to go on, something to discover. Here are a few of the things I already miss: *My daily long walks all …

London Bridge

Angie Hope, Journey, London

Dear Universe, The other day I woke up to an email from a good friend.  While she always sends uplifting and humorous messages to me, this one had an unexpected line thrown in. She said, “I feel you’re at the bank of the river plotting how to cross it. I have total faith…” I sat back touched, but also amazed.  …

Paris, Je t’aime

Angie Fun, Gratitude, Paris, Peace

Dear Universe, About six months ago I purchased a little notebook, one small enough to carry in my purse.  On the cover of it is a graphic of the Eiffel Tower surrounded by a pink heart and the sparkly words, “Paris, Je t’aime.”  As I paid for it, a vision popped into my head—me in Paris with that notebook in …

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Angie Chocolate, Fun, London, Music

Dear Universe, Thank you for making me feel like a kid again. Last night (New Year’s Day) I ended up in Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland.  I can’t remember the last time I went to a fair or carnival. I strolled around and loved seeing the crowd enjoying themselves, still celebrating from New Year’s Eve.  From the young to the old, …

525,600 Minutes

Angie Gratitude, Hope, London, Love, Peace

“525,600 minutes.  525,600 moments so dear.  525,600 minutes. How do you measure, measure a year? In daylight?  In sunsets?  In midnights?  In cups of coffee?  In inches?  In miles?  In laughter and strife? 525,600 journeys to plan…525,600 minutes…. How do you measure A year in the life? How about love?  Measure in love…. Remember the love.  You know that love …

Westminster Abbey

Angie Gratitude, Hope, London, Peace

Dear Universe, Here we are.  The final stretch of 2011.  Instead of focusing on anything negative, I’m thinking hard about what I want for the coming year and what goals I hope to accomplish.  But I still have time to finalize that… I’m thrilled I finally got the chance to visit Westminster Abbey, something I have been wanting to do …


Angie London, Music

Dear Universe, Last night I had the opportunity to attend Ghost, The Musical. It was A-MAZ-ING!  It may be my favorite show yet.  The music was moving and the cast was phenomenal.  I especially thought Richard Fleeshman, who plays Sam, was Out. Of. This. World. 😉  He blew me away in every scene.  And, Sharon D Clarke, who plays psychic …