“What did Dom Perignon say to fellow monks after he invented champagne? … ‘Come quickly, I am tasting the stars.’” ~John Green
Dear Universe,
I’ve always liked watching the Oscars.
The glitz, the glamour, the fashion, the speeches…
The friendly betting.
For years, my family and I have had an Oscar pool. We pretend it’s for big bucks, but really it’s just for bragging rights.
And having ballots filled out while watching the Oscars, makes the show more fun, makes it go by quicker.
Thinking about this today, made me curious how else people get prepared for the Oscars. After all, I know some throw themed parties with movie-menu items, celebrity-inspired trivia games and red-carpet-ready fashion.
So I did a little research!
If you are looking for ideas on Hollywood-worthy appetizers, classy cocktail ideas or just some fun inspiration on how to make today a little more memorable, check this article out.
As your friends arrive, be sure to take some paparazzi pictures to capture the evening.
And if that is just too much work to prepare, you can always print the ballot, fill it out, pop some pop-culture-popcorn, eat some classic movie theater candy, dim the lights, sit back and relax.
A glass of champagne might not be a bad idea either. After all, it’s the easiest way to add a little sparkle to this star-studded evening. And if you’re feeling really ambitious, attach a ribbon bow-tie to the bottom of the flute—another idea I saw today!
The point is—why not take the night off and escape for a bit?
Here’s to a relaxing and fun evening. Cheers!
With Gratitude,

Comments 2
It IS for big bucks but since I win every year, no one ever pays up!
Lol! I can neither confirm nor deny this! 🙂