“Take time to notice the things others are overlooking.”
Dear Universe,
I consider myself blessed because I notice signs fairly frequently.
I say this with no mathematical evidence to back this up or a graph tracking my days, but I say it because often I’ll be with people and I’m the only one noticing, pointing, explaining and taking the signs in.
But still. Every now and then I’ll feel like I’m slacking—that I must be so lost in my head that I’m missing the signs and messages sprinkled throughout my day.
It makes me sad and a little frustrated.
And so when I woke up earlier this week and I had a whole day to myself, with nothing specific to do, and I just happened to be in New York City, I had an idea.
I would go for a stroll around the city and I would be present. I would be aware.
I was going to see some signs.
First, I let you, Universe, know of my intention. And then I left the rest up to you.
I set out on my quest.
Here’s what I saw:
1. Owl handbag
Let me explain. Owls are my spirit animal. And owls are usually the sign I ask for. So seeing this made me feel like you, Universe, heard me and my mission was off to a good start!
2. Sidewalk messages
Because what’s more obvious than literally stepping onto a sign?! I took it as a reminder to stay happy because I’m blessed beyond belief. And I also took it as a nudge to eat better. (All this travel has thrown me off a bit, but I’ll get there!)
3. T-shirt advice
Okay I get it. Mind over matter. I have a tendency to get in my own way now and then. These two simple words spoke to me. I can set my intention and make it my reality. I think you’re telling me to shake it off and get focused!
4. Brits!
Something to make me laugh—because this did! Laughter is the elixir for my soul. And of course it was something to make me think of London—a place that makes me happy. Perhaps I’ll be able to get back there soon.
5. Window wisdom
I loved this bakery’s window! Made me want to go in, but I was trying to remember the earlier sign I saw (see number two!) so I didn’t!
6. Heart flower
The little piece of art was in a long forgotten phone booth I walked by. I could have easily missed this, but saw it simply because I was being aware. I loved the reminder that love blooms everywhere… you just have to be willing to notice it.
The same can be said for inspiration, kindness, beauty and signs. They are all out there around us. It’s all in the way we look, see and perceive our world.
Thanks for the lovely walk filled with signs that made me smile and laugh. They all resonated with me for different reasons. I knew you wouldn’t let me down.
With Gratitude,

Comments 5
Great post, I was wondering where that Mind over Matter tshirt was located….
Great post! Where was that tshirt?
Thanks for reading, Courtney! Glad you liked the shirt too! It was at TJ Maxx on 57th street! Hope you can find it! 🙂
Found your site from a link in “positively positive” – I love this post – it speaks to me. I am of the belief that meaning (as in ‘what’s the meaning of…’) is assigned by the participant, so, in order to create meaning, you must participate in life. I like it when something happens to jolt me back into the present when I don’t even realize I’m absent, or distracted, or lost in thought. There are signs everywhere, but we each map our own journey. Thank you for your blog – I enjoy concting with people who write about what I am trying to fold into my own life.
Thanks for such a lovely and thoughtful message, Lei Lani! I really appreciate you taking the time to look for me and reading this post. I’m glad this piece resonated with you. I love when I see signs and I love what you said about mapping our own journey and getting jolted back to the present! Thanks again. I’m grateful we connected too!